Trailer, Tripod & Bollard Mounted Radar Speed Check Signs
Put safety first with our radar speed check signs and traffic management hire equipment
Our radar speed check signs are available as either trailer mounted, on a portable tripod stand, or a water-fill bollard. ETC Hire’s radar check speed signs are 100% solar powered with no ongoing running costs.
Apart from helping control traffic speed, the radar check speed sign also records driver speed. This valuable data can be used to determine if traffic lights or other traffic control equipment is needed on a permanent basis to keep driver speed under control.
For more information, download our trailer-mounted brochure.
Features of radar speed check signs
Radar speed check signs are designed to detect the speed of passing vehicles and display the corresponding message on the screen for the person in the vehicle to see. If the vehicle is travelling faster than the speed limit, the LED sign will appear with a “sad face” plus the relevant speed limit, followed by a “slow down” message to remind the driver that they need to reduce their speed. In contrast, the sign will display a “smiley face” if the vehicle is travelling at the correct speed or less.
For more information, download our tripod-mounted brochure
Contact us today on 1300 382 447 to arrange hire of our radar speed check signs and traffic control equipment. Find out more about our signs by reading our blog on the subject.

Applications of radar speed check signs
- Mining
- Construction
- Work Zones
- Traffic Control
- Events
- Remote Locations
- School Zones
- Residential Streets
- And Other Temporary Areas
Any of these units can be used for encouraging and enforcing the speed limit, data collection for research and other purposes, and for awareness campaigns.
For more information, download our bollard-mounted brochure