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How Do Radar Speed Signs Control Traffic in Brisbane?

radar speed signs

It is no secret that drivers going too fast is a recurring problem for traffic control management and are a leading cause of car crashes and road rage.

With so many cars on the road, you need a system of traffic control that combines human expertise with cutting-edge automated systems. Radar speed signs are only one example of how Intelligent Traffic Management (ITM) technologies have shifted traffic management in Australia.

These radar-based traffic controllers are the cutting edge of the industry, eliminating the necessity for human intervention in the management of motorists. In this post, ETC Hire Brisbane investigates how radar speed signs help traffic management.

Determining the Speed Limits

Radar speed signs help determine appropriate speed limits in any given area. As each car approaches a radar speed sign, its speed is recorded. The specific speed restriction for any location can be calculated using data collected from trailer signs in the area on passing vehicles. Depending on traffic management needs, the software can pair with a single network of electronic speed limit signs to simultaneously control traffic in an area.

Increased Safety for All Road Users

Each speed has a matching message on the trailer mounted speed signs, with a happy or sad face, depending on whether the car is going at the appropriate limit or too fast. Speeding drivers will be discouraged by a following slow-down notice and the speed restriction. Almost all speeders will slow down whenever they notice a radar speed sign because they come out of automatic pilot mode. This has increased safety for all road users and pedestrians and decreased the number of accidents occurring yearly.

How to Hire Trailer Signs

ETC Hire has proudly been supplying Brisbane and Gold Coast with traffic control equipment, VMS boards and trailer mounted speed signs throughout since 2008. Check out all the tools and gear we have available for rent online now.

Get in touch with ETC Hire using the online form or call us on 1300 382 447 to request a free custom quote.