Solar Lighting Towers

Solar Lighting Towers: Visibility for Workers in Brisbane

Industrial sites, depots and manufacturing facilities can all benefit from solar lighting towers and the affordable illumination and security they provide. In this post, ETC Hire in Brisbane outlines how solar lighting towers may be helpful in many situations.

Worksite Security and Safety

Until the early 21st century, working in low light was common; however, modern construction sites are now equipped with light towers, to improve visibility and safety.

Workers often work overtime at night to maximise output and reduce traffic disruptions. A solar powered light tower is a practical and secure way to illuminate and manage remote, high-risk work areas at night. The use of heavy machinery in the dark presents several risks and a solar powered light tower can provide enough light to eliminate or significantly reduce those risks.

Warehouse Illumination

Proper lighting is essential for warehouses, whether they are used as personal or industrial storage. Through bright, directed light from 200W LEDs, the ETC Hire solar lighting tower can provide broad area illumination at 6 metres. By providing adequate lighting throughout the facility, you can ensure that inventory items are easily accessible and promote effective warehouse management and secure operations.

Event Management

Lighting towers that run on diesel are louder than their solar counterparts because of the engine powering them. The situation can become problematic, especially for events. Also, when in operation, diesel-powered light towers release carbon dioxide gas, which is harmful to humans. Since solar powered light tower uses renewable energy, they produce no toxic by-products and generate far less noise than conventional ones. So, instead of diesel-powered lighting towers, a solar powered light tower is a far better option to light up outdoor events in dim places.

Lighting Tower Hire Services

As an Australian-based business, ETC Hire never settles for anything less than the best. Our equipment is purchased from reputable suppliers and manufacturers to ensure efficient and reliable operation. Before we hand over our equipment to a customer, each piece is regularly serviced, checked and tested. We will never settle for anything less than the best.

If you’re looking for lighting tower hire services in Brisbane, Contact ETC Hire online or call us on 1300 382 447. No matter how specific your lighting requirements are, we can meet them.