When it comes to managing traffic control having the right equipment is essential. Traffic equipment plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of workers, pedestrians and drivers on the roads, as well as maintaining a smooth traffic flow. While some may consider purchasing traffic equipment, hire has emerged as a practical and cost-effective solution […]
The Best in Road Equipment
ETC Hire offers advanced road safety equipment for your workplace to ensure that drivers and pedestrians are safe around civil constructions, council roadworks, and your work site. The Best Road Equipment in Australia. Our latest Road Equipment can offer a cost-effective way to warn and guide traffic around any potential hazards. Including: Radar Speed Check […]
Bright up the Place with the Best Lighting in Australia
Working at night, especially with machinery, can create several safety hazards. This is where ETC Hire’s range of lighting products comes in. A product that can provide plenty of light can help to mitigate any risks. Keeping workers visible whilst working at night improves their safety and security. Sometimes a little more than high-visibility clothing […]